Friday, September 25, 2009

Teachings of the Presidents.

As mentioned previously, learning about religion was just that at a young age. All it was portrayed as was another subject at school that had to be sat through for XX minutes a week. There was no real excitement about it, nor was I in an environment to enjoy it.

I am taking my time this time. I want to know and understand as much as possible to phase out the most 'grey' areas I possibly can.

I decided to start with the "Teachings of the Presidents" as a starting point. I have found this to be very useful. The benefits far outweigh my own research through the internet, or people who may think they have some understanding, but in reality- they don't!

The book begins with a detailed year-by-year account of the Prophet, Joseph Smith. Joseph was born fifth child of eleven into a loving and caring family. The family had relocated from Sharon, Windsor Country, Vermont to Palmyra, NY, where they lived on 100-acres of farm land. Joseph received the bare minimum of formal education, however, helped out with the crop work as much as he could.

Much confusion surrounded Joseph in regards to religion, his beliefs and faith. I think there are many people out there who are starting off in the position, and mindframe, as I am currently in. Personally, I can relate my life to much of what Joseph is feeling. The confusion, the unanswered questions and the lack of direction.

Much like Joseph, I too have parents that share different religions. One grew up in a far more religious environment than the other. Nevertheless, both religions share similar beliefs, morals etc. But were different in so many ways. For example, My Mother wanted so badly to be married in a Catholic Church, but my Father wanted to marry in his. Again, both shared many similar beliefs and values, but differed in exceptional ways.

However, unlike Joseph, I never had that burning desire to know. To REALLY look far and wide and know! Joseph came upon a particular scripture-

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and unbraideth not; and it shall be given to him" (James 1:5)

This scripture- simple, yet, powerful- can easily be applied to anyone's life in any aspect, providing you are asking with:
A/ A sincere heart, and;
B/ Complete intent.

Basically, if it's something you are determined to know, then you can find the answer. Or, rather, the answer can and will be provided to you from the hands of the Lord.

One day whilst praying in the woods near his house in Palmyra, NY, Joseph did pray with a sincere heart and complete intent. Joseph had a vision of the Holy Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. When Joseph asked for direction in which Church he should join, He was given the answer "They are all wrong."

This is an answer that confused me beyond explanation. It was so blunt, and to the point. However, I have now come to understand it thanks to my friends Elder Lord and Elder Modlik. In the most simple form, to my understanding, Jesus had come to this Earth and started the Church as a whole. He built it upon 5 basic fundamentals, such as:
1/ The corner-stone, Jesus Christ.
2/ Prophets.
3/ Apostles.
4/ Priesthood.
5/ Revelation.

Many things came after this which made the Church a whole. One Church. After the Atonement, and suffering that Jesus had been through, the Church collapsed. People had lost their guidance. After a while, people had the urge to regain that faith and direction. New Churches were built and taught. All of them follow a handful of what the Church was inteded to be (EXAMPLE: One may believe in Jesus Christ, the other Prayer and Apostles and the third Priesthood and revelation /EXAMPLE). So, in essence, no they are not "Wrong", but they are not entirely "Right".

Joseph was told by Jesus, and the Prophet Moroni, how to go about correcting the Church, and bringing back all the fundamentals and moreso to the Church of what was originally intended by Jesus Christ. You see, over the thousands and thousands of times the Bible has been translated since its original language, scribes have either taken out, or changed what the Bible had originally said so that it would "Make more sense". In doing so, the Bible had lost a lot of the 'meat' it originally had.

Joseph's mission in life was to rectify the missing parts of the Bible. He did this through a series of visions.

However, the one thing that really got me thinking was from the History of Joeseph Smith. After his first vision with the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, he went back home and recounted what he had seen to his Father. His Father could have simply replied with a generic, non-caring answer ("It was a dream" "It was your imagination" etc.). Instead, he replied with, "It is the work of God". The excitement, joy and sincerity must have been great enough to convince his own Father that what he had seen, was in fact a vision, and nothing else.

As I mentioned in my previous (First) post. I went into this journey to gain an understanding. Having read of the above mentioned, that was the main point that got me leaning towards my belief and my faith.

I believe I have done the right thing by, not only reading the Book of Mormon, but also reading the Teachings of the Presidents at the same time. It has helped me to understand it from the beginning, and also, to reinforce what I learn each and every day.

Tomorrow is more exciting than today. I not only learn new things tomorrow, but I can reflect on what I have learned today!

1 comment:

  1. Mike!
    I just love everything about what I have read so far about your journey. Its so refreshing and honest and I think both of those words describe what I know about you so far. I am prayin with you for you and can't wait to read more.


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