I have also felt a sense of 'peace' when doing anything related to this journey. Praying, reading the 'Teachings' and the Book of Mormon, attending Church, speaking with members and Elders and my readings with Melodie at night.
The readings with Melodie are very important to me, as they are to her, I am sure. Not only does it give me a chance at praying out loud to somebody else, but it also gives us our time to learn and grow together. I'm blessed to have such a wife with knowledge and beliefs of someone well beyond her years. Reading, studying and praying gives me a chance to reflect afterwards, however, after our readings I am able to immediately relay what I got out of it. How the message got through to me, how I feel at that time, and what I think it holds for the future, and so on. Having that someone there to also give their perspective is a priceless asset in this journey.
A few nights ago, after our last reading together, I asked her to recommend a chapter for us to share the following night. Unfortunately, due to our other commitments, we could not read together until this evening. I chose not to read this chapter (Alma 32) until we had done so together. And, I think that was the right choice. Melodie definitely has an extremely good sense of where I am at in my journey, and what I have learned from our readings has flowed on so well, that it makes complete sense. She never ceases to amaze me.
Alma 32
What a perfect time to read such a chapter.
There were 4 main points I took from this chapter and all of these points I could compare to me. So far, I have found that to be a common factor through everything I've read. I can compare it to my own life and feelings which makes the journey a lot easier to grasp and enjoy!
Firstly, one's own financial situation is not taken into account by the Lord. He who has faith can be of 'poor' or 'rich'- The Lord does not judge on this.
Also, to worship the Lord does not mean to go to Church on Sunday. It is much more than that and as I put it to people wanting to lose weight, "It's a lifestyle choice" so to speak.
Furthermore, to have knowledge is one thing, but it is not all things. Every single member of any religion throughout the whole World has unanswered questions when it comes to their own religion, beliefs and God. Questions that cannot, and will not be answered in our lifetime on Earth, let alone life times to come after us.
Finally, taking the step to 'know' and to continue on the path in a manner of such that you yourself can retell your testimony.
Whether you be rich or poor, fat or thin, American or Australian, the Lord does not judge on any of these. Just because society has labeled a particular minority as 'outcasts', this does not mean that the Lord will do the same. I found the relevance of the opening to this chapter to today's society to be a real 'hit in the face'. It woke me up to see what kind of World we really live in. In a technological age where bullying of minority groups takes place through forms such as:
- E-mails.
- Cellular phones.
- Social netoworking sites, and;
- Blogs, plus many more.
In today's society, we are facing the highest rates of depression and suicide ever seen, because we, as a people like to judge those who are 'beneath' us. And we let them know exactly what we think.
Fortunately, there is at least one person, one man, who will not judge, will not put us down and will not neglect us. The Holy Father, creator of all beings, will always be at your side throughout all time.
Now, these 'poor' people were cast out from their synagogues based on finances. They were cast out by the very priests who once would have accepted them, but now do not. Church is one of the last places I would expect to see this happen. In today's society, I would expect it to happen in a restaurant, in a cinema and even in a cornerstore. Unfortunately, that's the World which I see each and every day. However, to think of someone being cast out of their Church based on the above reason (poverty) is a disgrace and a shock. The one place that someone experiencing sever poverty can go, is now shut off. I am pretty sure this is not the message that the Holy Father and his son were trying to portray.
To go to Church on Sunday, for me, is to enter the Holy house and pay respect to God and Jesus. However, to think that is merely all we have to do to respect the great sacrifice, we would be kidding ourselves.
(Behold I say unto you, do ye suppose that ye cannot worship God save it be in your synagogues only? And moreover, I would ask, do ye suppose that ye must not worship God only once in a week? Alma 32:10-11)
As I have said, it is about taking on a lifestyle change. To worship God, does not mean to 'do a little bit here, and a little bit there'. No, it is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week, life-long commitment that one makes to not only himself/herself, but to God in all his power.
When I started my journey, I prayed only once a night and that was it. Recently, I have been finding myself waking up and praying before I do anything else. It's refreshing and a great way to wake up in the morning. Not only that, but it puts me in the right mind for the day ahead. Around midday, while sitting at my desk- usually after speaking with Melodie- I will say another short prayer, as well as keeping my night time prayer.
It's not only prayer that helps me to worship God on a daily basis, but it's the little things that allow me to know I'm changing for the better. The simple things like choosing my words wisely and not swearing, not being disrespectful to other people and so on.
I said in my very first post that my religious beliefs diminished based on the facts I had and the lack of tangible objects to help me. And, as I have stated just a few paragraphs ago, not one person in this whole entire World has all the answers they are looking for.
Knowledge is one of those things that will tend to end a journey prematurely. If one person did have the answers to each and every question in an exam, then the journey would be over before it began. The result would be there before pen has been put to paper.
Not having the answers to everything leaves more exploring and more questioning for a person to do. That, to me, sums it up. If I went into this journey expecting to find an answer to each and EVERY question I had, then I know I would be doing the wrong thing. I know, as of right now that there are questions I have now that I will take to the grave. I still won't have all the answers.
But, it's not about knowing. It's about having the belief and faith. Those two things are the simple things that allows us as humans to explore and to grow. Not only to grow in a spiritual/religious way, but in any way. To think if someone had absolutely no faith, or belief, in themselves, then what were they going to achieve? They could have all the knowledge in the World, but, if they lack the belief going into a testing/exam environment, then they have already failed. Too many people follow their heads as I have done for so many years. It's time to open the heart and let it lead.
Finally, the leap of faith *PUN INTENDED*. Making the decision to take that journey and fulfill it. Not knowing what will come of it in the end, but nevertheless, putting yourself out there and reaping all the rewards along the way. Alma described it best by using the analogy of the seed. You can buy almost any kind of seed of any tree that you like. If you neglect that seed and think that it'll grow on its own, then you will come out with nothing but a waste of time (hopefully a lesson will be learnt the first time!).
However, you can buy a seed for an oak tree, lets say. Now, you know what an oak tree looks like. It's about yay high, with so many branches and it's this particular colour, but, your tree may stand a little bit shorter than the rest. It may have a few more branches and the colour could be slightly different. You don't know the FULL outcome until you plant it. But it doesn't stop there.
You need to make sure the soil and fertilizer is right and that there are no objects obscuring the roots
(You need to make sure the founding reasons you're taking this journey are for the right reasons and that no 3rd party will stand in your way of the truth).
You need to constantly water and nurture the plant through all stages
(Meaning you will need to study the history of LDS, you will need to study the Book of Mormon, you will need to pray and attend Church.)
You will need to, as the tree grows, trim the branches and adjust the environment around the tree
(You will need to, if it's right for you, be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS)
Finally, as the tree fully matures, you need to pay constant attention to its health and surroundings for the rest of its life.
(You will need to continue living your life by the gospel every day. Rereading scriptures and teaching others of what joy and happiness you have found)
Melodie, the members and The Elders all told me at the very beginning, before I even started my journey was,
"By doing what you're doing, you will benefit" (Basically)
I guess what they were trying to tell me is that, when I do finish the 'Teachings of the Presidents" and the Book of Mormon, and after I attend Church, then I will find that nothing bad will come of it. In fact, quite the opposite- My life will be more enriched by my determination to find the Truth. Not only as an individual but as a team and as a family with my Wife.
I can't wait for tomorrow.
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